17 photos proving that strong friendship will not break (18 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
28 November 2022

There is no doubt that true friendship is one of the most precious gifts in life. Some friends come and go but sometimes We are lucky and the closest ones stay with us for life. In this post you you will see wonderful examples of strong friendship, proven over the years.

Best friends

And after 59 years

We repeated photos of us ten years old, at 17 and at 29 years old

Now we look different, but in fact we have changed little

My girlfriend knows me better than my family. We in 1962 and now

We've seen each other at their worst

twenty years later

It was difficult to take the same photo after so many years, but we tried very hard

What would I do without you?

Best friends for 60 years

All our lives together

They decided to take the same photo every time they get together.

She has been like a sister to me for 76 years.

We've been friends for 18 years

1980 and 2015

Still friends after forty years

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