35 ordinary photos from which eerily emanates (36 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 16
10 December 2022

The r/oddlyterrifying subreddit is a nook on the internet, which, as you might guess from its name, is intended for the exchange strangely frightening images. The community has more than 2.5 members, which no wonder, given how mesmerizing these shots are.

1. "I hate waking up and seeing this"

2. "The last drawing of a schizophrenic patient before suicide"

3. "I made a couple of small holes in the pumpkin and stuffed it peanut butter. Then he left her at the mercy of the squirrels for two days. The result is truly disturbing."

4 Modern Animals If They Were Drawn The Way We Draw Dinosaurs Based Only On Bones

Swan, hippopotamus, baboon, elephant, zebra, rhinoceros

5. How the signature of a person with Alzheimer's gradually changed

6. Bathroom tiles

7. "It seems that the sleeping stone giant is waking up"

8. "Yam from the garden"

9. "It seems that someone came to visit while I was working alone in a large abandoned basement..."

10 Bat Nursery

11. View from the winter garden in my grandmother's house ...

12. "Mother centipede cradles her children"

13. Lake Mead in 1983 and 2021

14. 4-year-old boy named Bobby Dunbar went missing during a trip with his family

8 months later he was found and reunited with his family and they lived the rest of their lives together. Nearly 100 years later, DNA analysis showed that the boy who was rescued was not Bobby Dunbar.

8 months later he was found and reunited with his family and they lived the rest of their lives together. Nearly 100 years later, DNA analysis showed that the boy who was rescued was not Bobby Dunbar.

15. Meanwhile in Australia: "This is the last store for the next 1000 kilometers"

16. The image that AI created for the request "Religion"

17. Lighthouse on the coast of Iceland

18. Blossoming banana

19. Antheraea Polyphemus. It's basically a tarantula with wings.

20. Point Nemo, the point furthest from any landmass in the world. Here you will be closer to the astronauts on board the ISS than to people on the ground

21. During World War II, zookeepers took care of the animals in their homes.

22. "Walked 6.5 kilometers on abandoned railroad tracks to get home"

23. "This container is carrying an incurable disease."

24. "My spine. My height was 178 cm when I went under the knife, now my height is 188 cm. And initially it was supposed to be 2 meters"

25. Worms and insects escape the flood

26. The number of corpses and their location on Mount Everest

27. Three-legged dog licks his back

28. All frogs look in the same direction.

29. "Well, did you like the zoo?"

30. The artist recreated the face of a bottle of Crystal Head vodka

31. Stephen King in the 70s and Stephen King in the 70s

32. Amazon warehouse in Tijuana, Mexico

33. Inside a Hong Kong coffin apartment

34. "This is the last source of light for the next 965 kilometers"

35. Ponte City Apartments in Johannesburg, South Africa. Tallest residential building on the African continent

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