Heart: why the main muscle in our body can withstand such loads (3 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 16
7 December 2022

It begins to beat in the third week of the embryo's life and continues to work all the time without stopping.

Cardiac muscle tissue - myocardium. It differs from all types musculature by the histological structure of cells. The myocardium is made up of cardiomyocytes, they have a high concentration of mitochondria.

Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. There are oxidized organic substances, such as glucose, and the generation of electrical potential.

In the muscles of the arms or legs, the mitochondrion occupies 2% of the space cells. There are 33% of them in cardiomyocytes. The main cause of fatigue is dairy acid, lactate. It loads the muscles and causes pain after work.

Although lactate is also a source of energy, it's just that a normal cell does not manages to digest it. Well, the myocardium consists of enlarged mitochondria volume and dense network of capillaries. So there's a constant flow oxygen.

Therefore, the heart does not get tired - cardiomyocytes produce more energy, are better supplied with oxygen and lactate does not accumulate in them. Why, then, the rest of the muscles do not consist of the myocardium?

The fact is that the myocardium is very energy-consuming. Anyone who engaged in bodybuilding in the course that hefty muscles need to be strengthened supply. And if they consisted of cardiomyocytes, then they would have to “feed” 35 times more. Then we would spend our whole lives eating - even without a break for sleep.

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