A startup invented a game console for dogs (4 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals
4 December 2022

A startup from Hong Kong came up with an interesting interactive for dogs - touch screen game console. Dogs can play on it video games specially created for them. They stimulate the mental activity - and are especially good for older furries.

Hong Kong startup Joipaw has invented a game console for dogs, which is designed to support and stimulate the mental pet activities. It includes reaction games where you need to quickly press your nose on a jumping mole, and counting games where the dogs are choose which picture has more bubbles.

The creators made such a console not just for the entertainment of the four-legged. Video games are designed to physically and mentally stimulate dogs, and will also help, according to the startup, to delay the development of dog dementia and cognitive dysfunction in older dogs.

So far, the console is in the prototype stage, but it is possible Coming soon with more games. According to developers, one of the difficult moments they faced when testing - teach the dog to touch the screen. It turned out that this can be easily done by smearing a treat directly onto the screen (some dogs love to lick peanut butter).

Co-founder Dersim Avdar said that the creation of his console "inspired" by his own dog. Over the years, the dog became less active and lost interest in puzzles and toys filled with treats. Then he realized that the pet needed additional stimulation. Then and came up with the idea of video games. In addition, the pet can play with them in any time - even when the owners are not at home.

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