35 little masterpieces from knitting lovers (36 photos)

Category: Animals
30 November 2022

Knitting is a kind of magic. Well, at least that's how it is. seems to those who have never held knitting needles in their hands, without saying already about trying to use them for something other than playing on imaginary drums. The r/knitting Reddit community has brought together more than 426 thousand knitting enthusiasts, from professionals to beginners, who willingly share this very magic with the whole world.

1. "I knitted this dress for my daughter. Now she proudly repeats: "It was my dad who knitted me!"

2. "I'm in a Facebook group that picks knitters for people with unusual hands to make them gloves on order. Just finished the first pair!

3. "Thought to finish this coverlet six months before release in 2018. I've already moved four times and now I'm getting a second one master's degree, but I finally beat him!"

4. "Started it five years ago, and then put it away, because he annoyed me by being way above my level skills"

"A couple of months ago I was inspired by a post in this subreddit, I came back to it and now I'm finally done!!"

5. "Eleven months later, I finally finished this 80s space jumper I found in r/Knitting"

6. "My first knitting pattern is sewn to this embroidery. This is a reminder that we should honor those who made our clothes, even if we don't know each other

7. "I got married on a Saturday. I knitted these socks for my wife so she wouldn't back down while getting ready."

[Play on words: to get cold feet (lit. "to get cold feet) — get scared, get nervous and start to doubt, change your mind, go for backward].

8. "Knitted her greyhound into a suit for my wedding next weekend."

9. "Alaska hats for the gymnastics team I coach"

10. "Proud of this sweater! I made the yarn myself"

11. "Sweater with ears of gradient yarn!"

12. "Finally took off the finished needles. For a whole year I could not knit anything else"

13. "Proud of this the most!"

14. "I knitted my wedding dress. It took a year and a half"

15. "Just finished a pair of socks inspired by The Very Hungry Caterpillar"

16. "I made it for a friend who loves to knit"

17. "My first published work since my stroke in 2020"

18. Best Friends Matching Sweaters

19. "Mermaid tail throws are no longer in style, now giant socks are in trend"

20. "I was jealous of the child with his sweater, I made myself the same"

21. "My designpublished in Pom Pom magazine!

22. "Finally I put on a dress and mittens for skating!!"

23. "I've been waiting all day for someone to say 'Nice sweater' to yell back 'THANK YOU, I KNEED IT MYSELF'"

24. "I tried knitting chameleon socks"

25. "Last fall I learned to knit using Youtube and support from a friend. Today I finished a lace shawl as a gift for her wedding"

26. Scarf based on the cartoon "The Adventures of the Emperor"

27. "I have a new contender for the title of the least practical thing in my wardrobe"

28. "We survived the 'curse of the sweater' with the hardest pattern I've ever tried."

29. "Added a hidden alien face"

30. "Everything I knitted for my baby due in a week"

31. Knitted a polar light-inspired hat in gradient yarn.

32. "I managed to finish the Halloween sweater before Halloween: should I be rewarded for this?"

33. "Should I add a 'No Signal' strip for those who don't get it?"

34. "When you can't choose 2 colors, choose 8"

35. Bubble sweater for me and my friend

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