Eco-activists staged a naked protest at the museum

28 November 2022
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Environmentalists no longer know how to attract attention. This time in the Netherlands, the mammoth and visitors to the Museum of Natural Sciences in the city of Leiden were not lucky.

Three individuals, calling themselves brave climate fighters, came to the museum, stripped naked, and stood next to the skeleton of a mammoth in the hall of extinct species with a sign "Homo sapiens, the species became extinct in the 21st century." Thank you, at least they didn’t glue themselves to the mammoth and didn’t pour soup on it.

Their clad companion sagely explained to the unprepared public that “The climate and ecological crisis is an existential threat that puts all life on Earth, including the survival of mankind, at stake. If governments around the world do not take drastic action to combat climate change now, much of the Earth will become uninhabitable. The extinct mammoth in Naturalis symbolizes what awaits us if greenhouse gas emissions are not drastically reduced.”

In their action, they demanded that the Dutch government do everything possible to become climate neutral by 2025. The activist is demanded that the government stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry in the amount of 17.5 billion euros a year.

The performance police assessed and arrested all the actors in this theater of the absurd.

Not once did the non-environmentally friendly people of the Netherlands think a little on the net about what would happen to their country if by the year 25 they all amicably gave up fossil fuels in favor of activists. The conclusions were disappointing. It turns out that this can lead to a lack of heating in winter for half of the Netherlands and the impoverishment of the population. And the prospects of dying out are much higher than in the presence of warmth and prosperity.
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