The fastest marathon runner pushing a wheelchair (12 photos)

Category: Sports, PEGI 16
22 November 2022

Without being a runner, it's hard to fully explain why people choose to run. Whether for leisure, challenge or as wellness purposes, running unites, inspires and gives a sense of freedom. And let us still We don't know how to fly yet, but we definitely can and do know how to run.

“It is precisely because of the pain, precisely because we want to overcome this pain, through this process we can get the feeling that we really live - or at least a partial feeling this,” stated Haruki Murakami in his book What I I say when I talk about running."

For Eric Domingo Roldan, running is a means connection with his wheelchair-bound mother, who already has Multiple sclerosis (MS) was diagnosed a long time ago. Now this duet is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as "The fastest wheelchair pushing marathoner," and even after that, they're still do not plan to stop reaching for the stars. Let's go in this post Let's learn more about this story!

Duet of mother and son, Silvia and Eric Domingo Roldan, started running marathons together, during which Eric regularly rolls wheelchair with your parent all the way to the finish line

The runners are really amazing! Their dedication to the sport is incredible despite the cold, heat, rain, sleet, wind… they are always in business. There seems to be nothing that can stop them. However, it is worth recognize that in general, for the majority, all relationships with running end with the need to catch public transport, after which, it is likely that a person will experience a burning sensation in the lungs and nasty leg cramps.

Therefore, when people run more than 26 miles (about 42 km) in marathon, this is a real feat worthy of applause. Wherein, when added to this is the difficulty of pushing a wheelchair with the other person in her, especially if it's the person you love most of all, it not only inspires but also showcases the best side of a person.

When Eric was only 7, Sylvia was diagnosed multiple sclerosis, a disease that damages nerve cells brain and spinal cord

Spanish athlete Eric Domingo Roldan pushed his mom Sylvia, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, is in a wheelchair for 26 years. miles to raise awareness of the disease and raise funds for the multiple sclerosis charity. In addition, in this way, they broke the Guinness World Record by showing time 2 hours 58 minutes and 40 seconds.

Sylvia was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when Eric was only 7 years old. According to the Mayo Clinic, multiple sclerosis is potentially a disabling disease in which the immune system attacks protective sheath (myelin) that covers nerve fibers problems with the connection between the brain and the body.

Nerve deterioration can lead to a variety of consequences, depending on which nerves are affected. From multiple sclerosis has no cure, but treatment can help speed up recovery from attacks, change the course of the disease and alleviate symptoms.

In 2016, the guy began to talk about absent-minded multiple sclerosis in an effort to raise awareness of the disease, and raise funds for research into treatments and potential cure

Since 2016, in order to raise awareness, Eric has been leading advocacy, talking about this condition. In one In an Instagram post, he paid tribute to the sport for keeping it mental health under control.

“Thanks to sport, it was possible to turn the negative situation, which greatly influenced the mind, into something that is now motivation and will to live,” he wrote, continuing: “Sport saved me!”

But it seems that sports helped not only him, but also his mother: running gave her a sense of freedom and being able to spend time with your son.

“It fills me with life and gives me peace because I can watch different landscapes. But above all, it gives me incredible freedom.” she said in the video.

Running not only brought the couple closer, but also improved Eric's mental health, and gave Sylvia a feeling of "incredible freedom"

They had one goal - to establish a worldGuinness record.

“I thought she would like it and it would be a good test as for me and for my mom as she is having difficulty with childhood," said Eric Runner's World.

For the first time they went for it in 2020 in Seville. Then they completed the marathon in 3:00:30, 1 minute 21 seconds behind the record. But instead of giving up, they began to train even harder - with far more enthusiastic than ever to achieve such a coveted goals.

In 2020, they decided to break the Guinness World Record for "Most fast marathoner pushing a wheelchair,” but that year they finished the race just 1 minute and 21 seconds late.

November 7, 2021 conditions for the competition, namely Barcelona Marathon were perfect. At the same time, it is worth noting that Barcelona is Eric's hometown. As for the event, it turned out to be very crowded - more than 15 people took part in the race thousand runners from 120 countries.

And although he was very nervous before the start, Eric was still full of determination to do everything possible to still realize the plan. A strong start to the race helped the Spaniard complete the halfway in 1:26, time gave the couple a good chance of success, but for this they it was necessary to keep the right pace until the very end. During competition, mother always tried to cheer her boy up.

They tried again on November 7, 2021 and broke the world record in 2:58:40 to 2:53:28 - all 42 km Sylvia inspired and motivated Eric.

“I was happy from the first to the last kilometer, because my mother did not stop hurting and supporting other runners, which is the best part running together,” he said. Of course, there were times when I experienced emotions when she remembered difficult times, for example, about how Mom had Covid in August. But the crowd showed towards us so much love and support."

“Mom was the happiest person in the world, she smiled, laughed and encouraged,” he continued. Surprisingly, she was surprised when we covered 38 km (23 miles) because she thought we ran 28 km (17 miles). Everything happened so quickly.”

“Crossing this line meant that we did what we promised, passing through the hardest time of our lives,” Eric wrote in a post on Instagram after the marathon.

Without having time to recover, they crossed the finish line, finishing the race in 2:53:28 and setting a new world record.

“It was a dream,” Eric said. I kept looking at the clock to check if we are on time and the last 195 meters were the best seconds in my life."

“When we crossed the line, I just wanted to hug my mom and tell her we did it for her and for the multiple sclerosis. Crossing this line meant that we did what we promised, passing through the most difficult time of our lives."

The pair have continued to race ever since, boosting awareness of multiple sclerosis and the importance of mental health, being a real beacon of love and positive.

Eric thanked his family and friends for their support, stating in an Instagram post that they never felt alone:

“Today I can only say thank you. I made a promise and now it is done. This is for my mom. This is for multiple sclerosis. And this for YOU, YES, for YOU (every person who supported us). Thanks!"

The couple have since launched a campaign called #42kmcorriEMdo. the purpose of which was to raise more than 3 thousand dollars. All proceeds funds went to the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation for advanced research on this disease. They also took part in the Carrera de la Mujer (the largest women's race in Europe), promotion races mental health awareness and others, the latest of which was a 20 km half marathon in Behobia, San Sebastian.

We wish Sylvia and Eric all the best for the future and hope that one day they will be able to beat their own record already!

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