Quentin Tarantino says we are living in the worst era of Hollywood cinema (4 photos)

22 November 2022

Of the many great directors who have made a name for themselves in Hollywood over the past few decades, few are so famous and revered, like Quentin Tarantino.

His feature debut was in 1992 in Crime drama "Reservoir Dogs", and in subsequent years he released hit after hit. From "Pulp Fiction" to "Jackie Brown" from the famous director is much more hits than misses. And looking back at his distinguished career, it becomes clear that his filmography can compete not every.

What made Tarantino such a successful director?

You can select several key factors that caused that he has achieved tremendous success. His gift for writing ability to create intriguing and unforgettable characters, as well as his unique visual style all play a role in his accomplishments. However, the real secret ingredient is the simple fact that he loves cinema. As a former video store employee, he dedicated cinematography all his life and retains his attitude towards it as the highest form of art.

At the same time, Quentin Tarantino's love for cinema does not mean that he is boundlessly optimistic about the industry. In fact, he rather loudly declared his disappointment.

Tarantino thinks we're living in one of the worst eras in Hollywood history

In a recent episode of the Video Archives podcast, which he hosts along with Roger Avery, Quentin Tarantino made an interesting remark about state of Hollywood in 2022. In fact, he thinks it is one of the worst eras in Hollywood history.

“At least when it comes to going to the movies, I really I feel that the cinema of the 80s, along with the 50s, is the worst era in Hollywood history. It's only worse now."

In recent years, he has made no secret of his dislike of the current trends in the film industry.

For example, in early November 2022, Tarantino is quite obviously spoke about his attitude to modern blockbusters, in particular Marvel projects. "You must be an employee to do such things. I am not an employee. I'm not looking for a job," he said, explaining why he is not interested in directing such films. It is happened a few years after an interview with Deadline in which he stated, that the film world is at war with itself because small author's productions tried to fight the mass, dominant studio films like Avengers: Endgame.

Quentin Tarantino is not the only prominent figure to criticize modern Hollywood, and probably not the last. Time will tell who else will give low ratings to the current film industry.

Do you agree with the director's opinion? Write in the comments!

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