Mysterious places in Egypt, found on Google maps (28 photos)

16 November 2022

I think that few people have seen what I want to show.

To begin with, the Egyptians themselves called Egypt - Ta-kemet Egypt. tꜣ-kmt - "Black Earth") is

ancient Egyptian name for Egypt, referring to the fertile lands irrigated by the waters of the Nile

, different from Deshret ("Red Earth") - as the ancient Egyptians called the lifeless sands of the Arabian and Libyan deserts, according to Wikipedia.

When looking at satellite images of Egypt, it becomes it is understandable why it is called by the ancients "black earth". No, not at all because the Egyptian lands are damn fertile and covered with a layer chernozem, but because under a small layer of sand a black stony, as if melted, surface.

What could cause such a state of the surface of the African continent - scientists have not yet decided on the answer, but it must be said that I noticed such a situation in the pictures of both Libya and Mauritania (Eye Sahara), and perhaps under the entire Sahara desert there is a rocky surface, and not just rocky, but black, pierced, as if vessels and veins of the liquid that once flowed here: either lava, or molten rock, or water, or is it the consequences of the use of weapons ancient gods?

What happened in this land, what happened in the land of the Scorched Stana (Palestine)? When did all this happen? For what reason? Who lived on Earth at this time? - I, like many other people, do not have an answer to it's a question.

But now I understand why the ancient Egyptians called their land "black" - Ta-kemet. Write what is your opinion?

But that's not all. Now the second part of my article about Egypt. I found some interesting places. If anyone would like to consider details, the photo has the coordinates of these pictures.

1. In Egypt, on medieval maps, as well as throughout the Sahara many lakes are indicated that do not exist now: either dried up, or dry up at this time. In a word, there is almost nothing from the lakes left. But still I found a few lakes. One is already dry, but two lakes, as if holding each other "by the hand" continue to exist. And these the lakes are far from the Nile and from the sea. How they replenish - I don't I know, but I suppose that underground deserts can be water sources.

2. Next, a few finds in the waterless desert. These are the remains of man-made buildings. How old or ancient they are - from the pictures satellite cannot be identified. So this is a question for geologists and archaeologists.

City? Village? Settlement? Village?

Strange square: fence, fence, fortification?

This object may not be man-made. But at the very bottom there is a small square in the middle, which casts doubt on natural origin.

Another fence of unknown purpose. I assume it was a settlement.

Another similar item...

There is something interesting here too!

This is a desert road. There is no asphalt here, but the road is still clearly visible in the sand.

I decided to "walk" along this road, because I'm not in danger if I trace where this road goes?

And the road led me to nowhere, or rather, in our time - to nowhere, and in the past there was clearly a lake, an oasis:

Now in this place there is only black rocky soil. But the road is still clearly visible, going to this oazIsu.

Another strange building. Some four square recesses...

Recesses! All sorts of pits, mines, holes in the ground. So and fail somewhere for a long time. You know, there is such information from tabloid (yellow) press, and believe it or not - it's up to you, but in one newspaper wrote that under the sands of Egypt there could be underground city. Maybe some passages lead there? Or maybe it ventilation? Or maybe it's just pits, cellars, excavated graves, etc. See for yourself!

1.Among the ancient ruins:




And so on. These mysterious passages-corridors go into the depths at different distances.

5. And this is a whole complex of already destroyed buildings, which can only be seen from a satellite. But here, too, there is a similar indentation.

And a complex of studied ruins, where there are also such "holes":

And a few more interesting and strange objects in Egypt:

A strange building, which, as it were, is deepened into the soil. Around the building something like a large tile. I have found such buildings. several.

Also an incomprehensible object.

Below is the same object only larger:

This is also something incomprehensible, and I would say: "This is the place where UFOs are landing "... But this is not so)) Most likely, this is some kind of military object, or something like that.

Although, you start to think about UFOs and DVTs looking at this:

Write if you know what it is? You can look it up on your google maps closer. Zoom works well. Of course, one would like to think that this is something ancient ... But, unfortunately, this is something not very ancient)) I look forward to your comments.

Here is another building:

I couldn't find any information on these items on the internet.

Finishing the article, I will add one more object:

That's all!

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