The tragedy of bad rivets: what killed the Titanic besides the iceberg (5 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, Ships, PEGI 0+
14 November 2022

In 1912, in the waters of the North Atlantic, one of the most largest and most famous tragedies - the death of the Titanic, as a result which killed 1635 people. Due to the lack of boats, only 712 people. Could things have turned out differently? Definitely, and it's far away not only in the iceberg.

For its size and dimensions, the liner quickly went to bottom. It took him only 2 hours and 40 minutes. Stay on the water longer help arrived in time, and then it would have been possible to save 1,178 passengers.

You can isolate a lot more "if", but let's start from afar - with competition, which is considered to be the impetus for development. This is partly so, if you do not touch on profitability issues. Often people want to be competitive with maximum savings.

By the way, this is why there were fewer boats on the Titanic, what it should have been. And this despite the fact that the capacity of the vessel was 3,300 people. Weakly justifies the situation by the fact that on most ships in those days there were fewer boats than required.

But it was the owners of the Titanic who said that it was simply impossible to sink the liner!

But they saved not only on this. The problems were with the rivets on ship plating. Despite the high-quality trim, it was decided not to use them. spend money by installing low-quality steel rivets with high slag content.

It was this little thing that played a key role, because at the moment collision, the iceberg not only blew a hole, but also began to rip whole sheets of cladding. Use higher quality in construction materials, this could have been avoided.

As a result, the compartments were instantly filled with water, and the price of life was every minute. After all, the distress signal from the Titanic was caught immediately several ships hastening with their boats to the rescue. But probably, it would not have been about rivets, had the captain of the ship given only the command “full back".

Still, a head-on collision with an ice block of such a liner size could survive. But, alas, history does not tolerate subjunctive inclinations.

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