20 interesting pictures and facts about everything in the world (21 photos)

Category: Facts
9 November 2022

We bring to your attention an excellent photo selection "from the world on a thread." Fast, fun and educational!

1. This is how the place where the Great Ends looks like The Chinese wall is 21,196 km long. This is the east end of the wall yellow sea

2. This is how big a giant squid is compared to a human

3. This adorable miniature feather is a hummingbird feather.

4. This is what an elephant's tail looks like up close

5. And this is what one of these tail hairs looks like up close

6. This is what the Mayan temple at Chichen Itza looked like before restoration

7. And this is how he looks today

8. This man, Gay Jewel, was named "heaviest man in the world" in 1899

Despite his enormous weight, he loved to play the violin and make others laugh.

9. Have you ever looked closely at the back of a cat's paws? There's a mustache called carpal whiskers

10. In 1966, during a snow storm in North Dakota, snow drifts reached 12 meters in height. Here's what it looked like

11 Turns Out The Fire Alarm Is Just A Switch

12. Black paper towels (ready towels) exist!

13. This is what a 30-year-old cat looks like

This surly old man is called Spike and in the 2000s he was the title of the oldest cat in the world. According to the "cat age calculator" it's 136 human years.

14. Lemons float, limes sink. You can check yourself

15. See that little hole over there? This is Mount Vesuvius from space

16. This huge disk is what 10MB of data looked like in the 1960s

17. Some airports have toilets specifically for service animals. Here's what they look like

18. This is a piece of uranium glass, a special type of glass that glows in the dark due to the uranium added during manufacture.

19. There are no bruises in places of deep scars.

20. Finally, a normal-sized piece of paper looks tiny when held by Shaquille O'Neal.

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