russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 8

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
9 November 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- And here everything is as usual: either planes or helicopters

Maybe it's time to learn to fly?

- #losses of invaders as of 11/08/2022

+710 dead of the RF Armed Forces per day:

Senior Sergeant – Sergey Smelov

- Business on the blood: admire the list of international brands that never left Raska and continue to do business there, in fact, financing the war in Ukraine

- The same bombings are possible in Ukraine as in Syria, reports ( BBC, referring to analysts' reports. This is probably why Putin put Surovikin in command of the Ukrainian campaign, as he was the one who led the bombing of cities like Aleppo.

- They report a series of anonymous mines in Lviv in educational institutions, law enforcement officers are already checking more than 10 schools.

- “Partial mobilization has been announced in Ukraine, within the framework of which it is planned to call up about 300,000 mosquitoes. The project has the working title "Mosquitoes against Muscovites", – Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov boldly trolls the idiot Nebenzya.

- The Armed Forces of Ukraine can release the territories occupied by the Russian Federation after February 23 by the end of this year. And by the summer of 2023, Crimea will be liberated, said (, the former commander of the US Ground Forces in Europe, Lieutenant General Ben Hodges. He is also sure that the fighting in and around Kherson will continue for several weeks until the Ukrainians destroy all the Russians on the right bank of the Dnieper.

- Volodymyr Zelenskyy submitted bills to the Verkhovna Rada ( on the extension of martial law and general mobilization in Ukraine.

- Kill 14 thousand people: Iran plans to execute protesters. The corresponding decision was made by the parliament. 227 out of 290 MPs voted for this.

- And whose exactly shells fell did not specify?

- There is no panic in the Kherson direction. But the howl of "military correspondents" and propagandists rush over the swamps.

- The deputies of the State Duma in Russia decided to apply to the Prosecutor General's Office with a proposal to recognize the activities of Greenpeace as undesirable in the Russian Federation.

That's right, why is it needed? Rusnya sends all its bio-garbage to Ukraine. And we have to dispose of it.

- The trolling baton from the Minister of Defense is taken over by OK "Pivden".

- Finally, a normal personnel policy: blogger cat Stepan, by order of the Ministry of Culture, will protect Ukrainian culture.

And there, you look, and what ministry he will head.

- In Russia, they are ready for negotiations with Ukraine without preconditions, said Rudenko, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation:

“There are no preconditions on our part, except for the main condition: that Ukraine show goodwill.”

But what about «dumbili bambas» anddenazification? What happened?

- Erefia. February 27 VS November 8. Probably something did happen.

- Taxes on generators have been cancelled! For goods needed for the heating season, the payment of VAT and import duties has been abolished, Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said:

"We are talking about gas generators, electric motors, electric generators, installations and rotating electric converters, transformers, electric accumulators, electric water heaters, heaters."

Exhaled, ran to order.

- And here is the full list of goods that the Cabinet of Ministers officially exempted from duties and VAT.

Keep to yourself, so as not to forget.

- Two NASAMS installations are already on the territory of Ukraine, the Pentagon confirmed. Ukrainian military personnel have recently completed training to work with them in Europe. When asked whether Ukraine will receive ATACMS (missiles with a range of up to 300 km), Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder replied:

"We continue to have a constant and active dialogue with the Ukrainians, our allies and partners on the needs of Ukraine on the battlefield."

- The decisive period of the war is coming, said (, head of the GUR Kirill Budanov. “We need the help of every Ukrainian and God's blessing. I am sure that Ukraine will achieve a complete victory over the enemy and liberate all of its territory.

- Russia paid Iran €140 million in cash for the supply of drones, reports ( return-for-deadly-drones-source-claims-12741742) Sky News. She also handed over samples of Western weapons seized in Ukraine for study. Russian aircraft brought to Iran the British NLAW anti-tank missile system, the American Javelin ATGM, and the Stinger anti-aircraft missile. The Iranian military will be able to study these weapons in detail and probably copy them to create their own counterparts.

- China may soon invade Taiwan, said ( President Tsai Ing-wen.

Yeah, maybe that's enough for now?

- There is some kind of fuss in Snigirevka. Russia is nervous.

And we believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and are waiting for confirmation from the General Staff.

- By the way, the head of the Nikolaev OVA Vitaly Kim also hints at the movement

- Here the Minister of Digital Transformation Fedorov offers from "Дії" do Tinder.

What? Comfortable.

- It seems that the katsapam flew in for fuck even in New Kakhovka.

- The Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to gain a foothold on the northern outskirts of Snigirevka, Howling Gauleiter Kirill Spermousov. He says that there is a heavy battle with Polish and English-speaking mercenaries.

There is no panic.

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