The dog mastered public transport to see his mistress more often

Category: Video, Animal world
7 November 2022

A dog named Denver from Ecuador learned to ride a bus to come to his mistress to work. And this is a story about a smart dog and very kind people.

Dog Denver, like other dogs, was very bored at home without his mistress, who works in her shop. One day he decided to find his own way to the store and followed his neighbor. The woman noticed that the dog was following her and led him to the owner's shop, showing him how to get on the bus. In turn, the driver did not object to the dog in the cabin and brought him to the right store.

The smart pet perfectly remembered the way to the place of work of the hostess and began to drive himself.

Since then, Denver has been visiting the owner regularly, and now all bus drivers know that they must definitely stop in front of Gladys' store if a shaggy passenger is traveling in the cabin.

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