Thousands of parrots in Australia fall without moving (6 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals
7 November 2022

Every year, thousands of Australian parrots - rainbow lorikeets - fall from the sky straight to the ground. The reason for this is not over yet. installed.

This strange phenomenon occurs in Australia during the period from October to June. On the pavement you can easily see the rainbow lorikeet, who lies motionless, blinking his eyes, or tries to move, but makes it hard. It turns out that these birds at this time massively paralysis occurs. At the moment, ornithologists and veterinarians have collected many statistics on this syndrome, but its cause has not been found.

Cases of such paralysis in lorikeets have been found in Australia since the 1970s. years. In this state, the birds cannot move, look for food, and extremely vulnerable to predators. The phenomenon has been associated with lead poisoning, deficiency of thiamine, zinc or selenium. Some veterinarians believe that it is caused by damage to the cervical vertebrae. "We determined that the reason paralysis - definitely not toxins, pollution or pesticides. We also know that it is not an infectious disease," said the professor of the school Veterinary Sciences University of Sydney, David Phalen.

The reason that is considered closest to the truth is a plant, which these parrots eat during this period. This is indicated by seasonality. disease and the fact that it occurs in certain regions Australia. But what exactly is this plant, so far no one has determined - for To do this, scientists need to track the diet of these birds. Even the locals asked to take photos whenever they see these birds, if those eat plants - these statistics will help you find out that lorikeets are used most often.

Clinical signs of paralysis syndrome in lorikeets vary according to severity. They include inability to fly, paralysis of all limbs and neck, paralysis of the tongue, inability to swallow and even blink. Some birds die as a result of these symptoms. Veterinarians warn the locals that if they see such symptoms, they reported the bird to animal rescue centers.

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