19 Examples of Australian Animals Went Too Far (19 Photos + 1 Video)

Category: Animals
7 November 2022

Are you afraid of the little spider that lives in your corner? Then even don't go to Australia. Because there the local fauna has obviously gone too far away and probably plans to stage a coup. Don't believe? Then look at these 19 photos.

1. This fluffy caterpillar train is clearly up to no good.

2. This sheep has not been sheared for 5 years. And I wouldn't go near too close to her - it seems that you can get lost in her wool as in a thick forest

3. If you meet such a kangaroo on your way, prepare white slippers and a black suit

4. God, someone get the girl away from this huge spider!

5. I will not go to Australia. And I don't recommend you either.


7. This frog better not cross the road

9. "Conductor, conductor! You have a "lemur hare" here! No, I'm not crazy!"

10. "Okay, I won't be taking meter readings this month, maybe not even this year. As you say."

11. This is why in Australia, before putting on shoes, you need to see if anyone has settled there

12. And this little jellyfish is one of the most poisonous creatures on the planet!

13. "And we are happy!"

14. "Do you want to talk about our Lord?"

15. "That's it, burning down the house, moving out of the country"

16. I can’t understand: are they fighting or, ahem, “reconciling”?

17. This spider clearly did not expect such a catch.

18. "Oh, I don't need to go to the toilet"

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