russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 5

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
6 November 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

Photo: The General Staff showed a photo report from the Bakhmut district (

- So, wait. Already released. Or not yet? Decide, boys

- Iran has confirmed the delivery of drones in Russia. True, according to the country's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, drones were supplied "in small quantities and even before the start of the war in Ukraine."

A little bit doesn't count, right?

- It seems we have a new champion among chmobiks. Your applause to the hero!

- The exercise "Puma-2022" started in Poland, in which, in addition to Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Great Britain and the USA take part.

Waiting for the howl from the swamps «they are planning to attack us».

- Lithuania refused to let through the Russian Railways cars, which were marked with military symbols

The cars had the emblem of the Russian airborne forces and the inscription "no one but us".

The cars were supposed to follow through Lithuania in transit to Belarus.

- #losses of invaders as of 05.11

+ 600 dead RF Armed Forces:

53-year-old lieutenant colonel of the Federal Penitentiary Service, lieutenant for mobilization Gennady Smirnov

policeman-retired, Captain Dimov Viktor from the Buryat village of Kudara

- Destruction in Grozny, Chechnya. 1996

- Stunning street art on the Maidan in Kyiv. What the "Russian world" brings our children.

- The invaders are transferring elite units from the western bank of the Dnieper, and those units that leave – cut off the retreat, said the head of the Joint Press Center of the Southern Defense Forces Natalia Gumenyuk. This can be done in order to provoke the Armed Forces of Ukraine into a premature attack and lure Ukrainian units into street battles.

- Krinzhatin from the swamps: the case of Pavlik Morozov lives on

Will they send Vika Tsyganova to Zimbabwe?

- Mikhail Podolyak calls for strikes against drone factories in Iran. The adviser to the head of the Presidential Office believes ( that sanctions and embargoes will not be enough for Tehran to be punished for helping Russia in the war in Ukraine.

- Everything is clear now: what the power outage schedule actually looks like.

- It is reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have covered the rashist ammunition depot in Geroisk, Kherson region. For you to understand, Heroic – this is the beginning of the Kinburn Spit. It was from there that the orcs launched the Iranian drones.

- Evening problem! Of the 570 mobilized to the battalion from Voronezh, survived29 people, 12 injured. Question: how many black packages will go to mother scattering?

- Kyiv may be left without electricity, water and communications due to Russian attacks, said ( ) Vitali Klitschko on the air of the telethon. According to him, a large supply of fuel, generators, food, water has already been made, heating points have also been created.

- The US National Park Service has banned the licking of highly toxic toads, because their glands secrete narcotic substances, and crumbs got into the habit of licking them and then dying.

This is such a complicated life.

- The occupant sends greetings to his homeland

Or rather, part of the occupier

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