В Индии рухнул вантовый мост, на котором находились сотни людей

Category: Video, Eyewitness
2 November 2022

It is noteworthy that the bridge was opened four days ago after reconstruction.

The last days of October will be remembered for terrible events that might not have happened. And in the stampede, which claimed more than 150 lives in Seoul, and in the collapse of the bridge in Indy - a certain pattern. And there, and here - a crowd of people. It seems that this factor became decisive in both tragedies.

The cable-stayed bridge in the city of Morbi in the Indian state of Gujarat collapsed on Sunday, October 30, in the evening. About 500 people were on the bridge at the time of the collapse. The construction, opened after restoration only four days ago, simply could not withstand such a load.

It is known that this bridge was built about 100 years ago. In recent years, he was in a deplorable state, and the authorities decided to close it in order to avoid accidents. The suspension bridge at the time of construction (at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries) was a marvel of engineering. It was built using the latest technology. This structure, about 1.25 meters wide and about 233 meters long, connected the ancient palace of Darbargadh with the Lukhdhirji Engineering College. Local residents considered the bridge a real attraction, although they recognized that it was in far from the best condition. Then the structure was restored, and on October 26 it was solemnly opened for further operation.

A few days later, tragedy struck. The city authorities are deeply saddened and take responsibility for what happened.

According to media reports, more than 130 people died - at least that many victims are reported by official sources. But more than 100 people are missing. 177 people were saved. All these figures are approximate and change every hour. So far, there are no Russians in the lists of the dead and injured.

This video was taken a day before the bridge collapsed. Even then, quite a lot of people gathered on it, who, as we can see, are happily rocking the structure.

According to official information, the families of the dead and the wounded will receive compensation from the budget. Payments to relatives of victims will amount to 200 thousand rupees (2.4 thousand US dollars), injured - 50 thousand rupees (600 US dollars).

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