What the world's most expensive train looks like from the inside (9 photos)

Category: Trains
2 November 2022

Japan is a very technological country, while their world is completely unusual for us, which is difficult to understand.

Not so long ago, the Japanese demonstrated amazing in their luxury train Shiki-Shima (Island of Seasons). It would like to spend not a day or two.

The train has panoramic windows, a separate spa, and the service there is at the highest level.

The train also has glass ceilings, and each incoming passenger is greeted with a glass of champagne.

You can travel by train from Tokyo to Hokkaido. In winter, this journey takes three days, and in summer - two.

The composition includes 10 wagons, they can comfortably accommodate 34 people. There are 17 rooms in total - 2 large and 15 small.

The interior was designed by Ken Kiyoyuki Okuyama. He is the designer of brands like Ferrari and Maserati. The rooms are made in an interesting futuristic style.

The top speed of the Shiki-Shim is only 70 mph, a third of what modern Japanese trains are capable of.

Five cars are made in the form of two-story suites, where there are beds, bathroom with shower and toilet and living room. Two more wagons separate rooms, the feature of which is aromatic cypress baths.

There is also an amazingly beautiful transparent recreation area, from which you can watch the landscapes and the dining car. Meals in the restaurant are served the area through which the train passes, and all instruments from clean nickel and designer.

The ticket price for Shiki Shima varies from three to ten thousand dollars.

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