A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 129

14 January 2023
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Soledar from a drone after visiting the Russian World

Soledar. With voice acting

Occultation of little mermaids on the approaches to the industrial zone

Soledar. Hymars is ready to go

Testing a drone

Ugledar, now

Ukrainian doctors evacuate a wounded soldier in an M113 armored personnel carrier under continuous shelling in Soledar

A Ukrainian drone drops a grenade on a group of downed Russian soldiers

Because one of them is still alive

Ukrainians from the BM-27 MLRS give gifts to the orcs

Ukrainians send headache pills to Bolshevik larvae

The Highmars don't forget to send gifts to the orcs

They probed the fake

Work of the ADAM group

Drone operation

The work of Ukrainian kamikaze drone operators is surprising

The situation is difficult, but controllable. All borders are under reliable control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Our Defender about the situation in Soledar.

Slovenian m55s


Soledar 01/13/2023, greetings from Madyar

Soledar under eternal fire

A lot of equipment will be burning next month. The orcs are carrying equipment, the old one has apparently run out

Mt-lb Rapier for orcs

Meat grinder near Bakhmut

The Russians have two fewer infantry fighting vehicles. The fight took place in August

At an appointment with a proctologist

Great job from the drone operators. Night drone attack on a shelter near Pervomaisk

Pavlovka, lit up the bk warehouse

The trip of two infantry fighting vehicles ended with the scattering of manure across the field

They probed a group of stormtroopers for sausage

We probed drone hunters for the presence of a teleport

What repelling an attack in Soledar looks like

How to blow out infantry from an infantry fighting vehicle with one simple trick

Column of Russian T-90s Rush and immediately what awaits them

Briefly about the capture of Soledar by the Russians

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