A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 127

8 January 2023
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

18 self-propelled guns of 155 mm caliber, which will be provided to Ukraine

this, as media reports citing the Pentagon, is the M109A6 Paladin.

The M109A6 Paladin howitzer is the fourth upgrade of the original M109 self-propelled howitzer. It carried out measures in the field of increasing survivability; reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM); invisibility, as well as to reduce the effects of temperature.

Azov people

American MaxxPro in the Bakhmut area are moving forward to terrorize the Russians

Orc packing continues as planned.

The base of Kadyrovites... was

Bakhmut, January 2, 2023. Polish physician Damian Duda helps the Ukrainian fighter not only with deeds but also with words

Bakhmut, preparing a Wagner dinner

Battle for Bakhmut

Boom and no orc tank

A video from Samara has appeared online, which shows the transfer of equipment

This is what the bottom of the russian military-industrial complex looks like: a video from Samara appeared online, which recorded the transfer of equipment.

In particular, eyewitnesses filmed GAZ-3301, ZIL-4334, MAZ-6317 and other military trucks of the late USSR.

Let's get the carts, it's time.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine decided to enrich the occupiers, but there is a nuance

The city of Soledar and the Artemsil plant are still under the control of our troops, the defense is held by the 46th brigade

If they didn't steal, then NATO soldiers would do it

The export version of the Stunga hit TOS-1

Footage of the Bakhmut battles

Footage of battles in Soledar. The city is held and is under the control of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

There was no “Christmas ceasefire” on the part of the Russians.

Footage of sending gifts to orcs from “Grads” from our fighters in the Zaporozhye direction

Footage of Ukrainian soldiers defending their positions from a Russian attack

When you get stuck and leave a trophy against your will

On a tank directly to visit the occupiers with explosive gifts

Wagnerian offensive

Small colony of orcs

Due to the significant increase in the number of this invasive species, their population had to be reduced using air-dropped pyrotechnics

An unusual technical idea for protecting an armored vehicle. If you do explode, then do it as beautifully as possible.

New details about the transfer of tank killers

The Bradleys will arrive with hundreds of TOW anti-tank guided missiles and hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition for the M242 Bushmaster automatic cannon.

New height record for the Russian Infantry and Space Forces

An Orc blows himself up with a grenade after being wounded.

The Orc shows his base that just exploded. Sands, Donetsk

The orcs decided to go on the offensive, but were smashed to smithereens

All that's left are the orc's shoes

Excellent hit

Another Russian BMP3 destroyed by FGM Javelin

The first destroyed export T90S, so good that the orcs lost tanks that were supposed to go to India

Gifts from heaven

A gift for three occupiers from heaven

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