A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 117

5 December 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

New equipment is on the way to increase the combat potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

This time the Russians stole the geese, but did not have time to cook the broth

Offensive actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Opytnoye area near Donetsk airport

New Ukrainian anti-aircraft system "Burevy"

Experienced near Bakhmut. Our warriors hold out even in hell itself

Another drone and accurate operator

The next trophies from the orcs

First NATO exercise the day after the Przewody bombings

Blowing up the railway lines along which weapons are supplied to the occupying army

Almost like going on a safari and admiring a primitive civilization

Came without an invitation to a foreign land, received a grenade as a gift

The work of the French Caesars in Ukraine

Restaurateurs, financiers, managers, builders, truck drivers

They all have different professions, but one goal - to make Ukraine free!

Russia on the Eastern Front uses banned chemical weapons

In particular, we are talking about K-51 aerosol grenades, the Naval Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces reported.

This is what the test flight of the first Turkish jet unmanned fighter Bayraktar Kizilelma looks like

We have God-given artillerymen, they know how to hit a herd of orcs with the first shot

Ukrainian 152mm 2S3 Akatsiya in operation

Died in a dream takes on new colors. Christmas is approaching, baubles are falling from the tree

Destroying another enemy tank

Destroyed Orc Battery 2S1 Gvozdika

Teachings with a hint are not only in the Russian Federation. The Ukrainian Armed Forces conducted exercises on the border with Belarus

Kherson region and burnt ankle boots of fleeing invaders

Or rather, what is left of them...

Emotional reaction of occupiers after hitting an anti-tank mine

You can watch and listen forever...

Well done Yura

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