A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 114

29 November 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

The hellish banderamobile pours into the orcs

Bakhmut and the sad orcs

What trenches are our soldiers sitting in now?

Waiting for the orcs to attack

Eternally running orcs who got lost in a foreign land

First person fight video from Bakhmut

So you can try to complain to him about how you don’t like the weather and the lights are turned off again

The Ukrainian Armed Forces showed the Turkish Kirpi armored personnel carrier after a mine explosion and a direct shell hit on the vehicle

According to the military man, the armored personnel carrier survived the attacks and will soon be able to be returned to service. They had already been given a spare wheel.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces with FGM-148 Javelin are hunting for tanks somewhere in Kherson

A girl shoots a 23-mm ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft gun and fires direct fire at a moving, lightly armored, wheeled target

Birthdays on the front lines for our soldiers look something like this

Drone and eye contact, can turn an old grenade launcher into a deadly precision weapon

And another captured tank went for repairs

And a trench cinema

Orc extermination in the evening

How to quickly warm up frozen orcs

Beautifully presented execution of a fire mission using a crab and a drone

Elimination of Orc firing points

Favorite communication between orcs and drones

Favorite interaction between orcs and drones near Bakhmut

Our fighters now. Donbass

Unusual friends in the trenches

Nerves are simply steel. This is how the wounded are evacuated under fire in the Bakhmut area

The orc, after a short sleep interrupted by artillery, checks the condition of his colleagues, unfortunately it turns out that they are dead

Orcs carry wounded larvae out of the fire

The orcs are so drunk that even with anti-tank missiles they can’t hit

Trying to get the orc tank

Operation of anti-missile systems

Entertaining the Orcs with Homemade Kamikaze Drones

The Russian ZALA drone shot down by air defense will be sent to dismantling specialists

Tik Tok troops at work

Ukrainian forces used the SPG-9 guided drone

To shell Russian positions on the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region

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