Rescue rats are trained in the US to look for people (3 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals
31 October 2022

Roquefort and Gadget are now in cyberpunk (no Zipper yet), on CNN surreal report on how the APOPO project unfolded an entire rat training camp.

Rats are trained there to look for people under the rubble of collapsed buildings, and to do this, they put on special search rat backpacks with cameras and microphones.

APOPO has been training dogs and rats on its base to look for mines, and now it's the turn of the people. "Rescuers" - Gambian hamster rat, which weighs 1-1.5 kg, on them put on a special neoprene vest, on which a 3D printed camera capsule.

So far, all the equipment weighs about 140 grams, but in the next versions promise to place all technologies on one board so that you can to crawl through the smallest gaps. And there already, when she crawls to person, through the microphone and livestream, you can establish a connection with injured.

Training in rats is harsh, every day 15 minutes of training, and in order for them to be fearless, they are taught from birth not to be afraid human screams, industrial sounds of drilling and jackhammers, in order to create the most realistic conditions. The results are promising they say rats do a great job, look at this cyber-cute for yourself

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