This TVR Sagaris was a Top Gear star and is now looking for a new owner (19 pics + 1 video)

Category: Cars, Car news
31 October 2022

While the future of TVR is still a question, there is no doubt in that they made some of the wildest sports cars ever ever released in the UK.

At present, the future of the British company TVR calls a lot of questions, despite the sports car announced for several years Griffith, but its place in the history of the automotive industry and the hearts of fans fast driving, TVR cars have already earned. With your crazy temper!

Famous journalist and big bully Jeremy Clarkson said: "Owning TVR was like owning a bear. I mean, it's great before he rips your head off..." Old Jeremy quoting not without reason, in the photographs of a dealer of rare and interesting cars from England Hilton & Moss is exactly the orange TVR Sagaris that Clarkson tested in one of the episodes of the legendary show Top Gear in the summer 2005.

The car was in the TVR press park and European journalists chased him both in the tail and in the mane, showering Sagaris compliments, calling it TVR's craziest contemporary creation and high point of the company. But perhaps the most emotional was the opinion Clarkson, who called Sagaris "a punch in the eye to British inspectors Health and Safety." In Clarkson's original speech, I think it hit somewhere else...

At the same time, Jeremy noted excellent handling and dynamics car. It was the most elaborate and balanced TVR, to what extent such characteristics are generally applicable to this manufacturer! Sagaris then set a lap time of 1:24.6 on the Top track. Gear, less than a second slower than the 12-cylinder Pagani Zonda engine. It was damn fast!

Sagaris is powered by a TVR Spees Six inline-six engine with a capacity of 400 horsepower, providing dynamics at the level of 3.8 seconds to 100 km/h, and top speed under 300 km/h. body from carbon fiber practically weighs nothing, rear-wheel drive, box transmission, of course, mechanical. No electronics, only primal driving experience. Or rather, the fight with the car for survival.

By the way, there are no airbags either ... TVR believed that the presence security systems gives the driver the illusion of protection and carelessness, posing a real threat to life. This is my take on the approach!

7 episodes of the 6th season of Top Gear

Hilton & Moss are asking about $79,000 (£69,995) for the Sagaris sterling). A rational person would add approximately $10,000 and will buy a new Porsche Cayman GTS - a much more reliable car, also with a guarantee. But the German sports car is not a bear at all, compared to TVR Sagaris is a pug...

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