A moment of humor, memes from the war 35

Category: War memes, PEGI 16
25 December 2022

A selection of videos from the Internet, in which they joke about what stupid things the Russian army does and in every possible way ridicule the military incidents of the occupiers that are happening in Ukraine.

Ukrainian children and Russian sweets

Peskov. Russian President Putin was in the Northern Military District zone and talked there with military commanders

Not just a country

Attention! It became known how the power outage schedule is actually formed

Video message from the mobilized

It became known what Zelensky and Biden actually discussed during the negotiations

When two geniuses of Russian television met on air, but something went wrong

There are only a measly seven days left until the New Year

Feelings of all Ukrainians in one video

A Dagestani spoke about the advantages of the Russian army

And what is he wrong about?

And this is each of us, when there was no light all day and you suddenly found yourself visiting friends who have a generator

100 thousand new cars

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