This is the Russian mobilization in the second army of the world. Part 47

22 February 2023

A selection of videos from the network, which shows all the nuances of the Russian mobilization of the second army of the world, which throws all its forces into the war and as a result of which the government is unable to help those mobilized people.

The Wagnerites continue to whine

“Every day we lose hundreds of our comrades. There could be fewer of them if the military officials supplied us on time."

Eh, Vanka, they are merging you and your boss Shoigu and Gerasimov, you won’t understand...

There are no losses in Dagestan

Let's start this beautiful Friday morning with the whining Wagnerites who are crying that they are not being helped and are not being supplied with shells

Someone tell them that there will be no help

Turbopatriot tells how the Russian army should fight and does it somewhere from the Siberian outback

Wagner's honey mushrooms are whining that they wipe their feet on them

They thought they would be kings, but they became court jesters with automatic weapons

Military personnel from Samara who survived the Makeevka massacre were forced to apologize on camera for a video message to the president

It’s always like this in the Russian army, if you suddenly unexpectedly survived

Mobs from Omsk are forced to hand over money, or they will be sent to the front line

These weirdos published a statement in which they addressed Putin with a complaint that the command of the so-called DPR requires them to hand over money for gasoline and threatens to send them into battle without preparation.

Allegedly, those mobilized studied to become artillerymen, after which they were transferred to the infantry.

Contact us, contact us, everything is going according to plan

First the Wagnerites vilify the Russians, then the Russians vilify the Wagnerites. The circulation of Russian diarrhea in nature

“I wanted to give a shit about you, I took my whores, chicks, and let’s go to position! The creatures quickly packed up their clothes, I’m serious!”

He put on a Russian army cap and flew into a pillar

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