Found in a barn and meticulously restored, this 1963 Panhard PL17 is living its second life in the UK (12 photos)

Category: Cars, Car news
23 October 2022

If history were a little different, and the French government offered post-war assistance to more automotive companies, not just Renault, Peugeot and Citroën, the name Panhard could be much more familiar.

With rare exceptions, the French stopped producing interesting cars about twenty years ago, but for more part of the twentieth century, many of the most unusual, progressive, and sometimes strange cars were originally from France. Here's a great example: Panhard PL17 is an extremely charming car in its strangeness!

Any Panhard car in itself evokes associations with all French car clichés and stereotypes - quirky, unusual and unconventional! After World War II Panhard runabout Dyna X, despite a completely progressive design, lost in market struggle with Renault 4CV and Citroen 2CV. competitors, especially Citroen were extremely cheap, and the humble Panhard was constrained in resources to reduce the cost of production, therefore successor to the Dyna X model decided to "translate" to a higher market level to compete with the more solid Peugeot 403 and Simca Aronde.

Again, due to financial constraints, the engine for the new model inherited from Dyna X, although its volume was increased to 850 cubic meters centimeters, and the power was increased to 42 horsepower. modest power-to-weight ratio was offset by low weight, thanks to the use of aluminum in the construction and excellent aerodynamics of the body specific form. Production was located in Paris on an outdated plant with a shortage of space, but by 1954 Dyna Z was on sale. Consumers received the car very well - it was a family sedan, accommodating up to six people, accelerating to 130 km / h, spending in combined cycle less than 6 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers.

Three body styles were available - a four-door sedan, a two-door convertible and pickup. Largely "thanks" to the widespread use of aluminum, production of the Dyna Z was expensive and, despite quite decent sales, profit targets set by shareholder (it was a Citroen) could not be reached. car design began to recycle, gradually replacing aluminum parts with steel, completing the process by 1958. This has led to a significant increase weight from 710 to 850 kg, which negatively affected the dynamics and economy, although the car continued to be competitive: the engine has been improved, and the price has become more attractive. Produce managed 140,000 copies of the Dyna Z before appearing in 1959 updated model - slightly less cartoonish PL 17, which were implemented about 130,000 more pieces. Enough!

Of the features of Dyna Z and PL 17, side doors mounted on the central pillar of the body, a single design of the hood and front fenders, allowing easy access to the engine and chassis parts, extremely minimalistic interior. Salon is spacious, with a flat floor (wheel drive - front). Journalists once praised Panhard for combination of performance and economy, but scolded for quality assemblies. Ah, the French! Very few of these machines remain today. long runs, they fell apart and disappeared into the French outback.


Panhard Dyna Z also looked like a fish...

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