A selection of funny and strange inventions from "crazy hands" (15 photos)

Category: Fun
23 October 2022

There are people in the world who will never be something throw away, turn to the masters and buy something new. Them engineering talent and the passion of a mad scientist make it possible to decide problems of any complexity. Here's what can be achieved with ingenious intelligence and golden hands.

Ties will save the world

Cheap and angry

We will fix the problem with the trunk lock

Needed a mirror to inspect welds

Homemade phone holder

Grandma came up with a way to prevent squirrels from eating bird food

When the toilet paper holder broke

Cozy hunter's house in Springbrook

How to hold a tarp on a boat

No lock? No problem!

When you forget your fork

Pour into a bottle using a makeshift siphon made from 2 straws

How do you like this house on wheels?

Foam table

Smart watch as a remote control on the steering wheel

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