20+ Weird and Funny Birds Snapped at the Right Moment (30 Photos)

Category: Animals
20 October 2022

Even such majestic and beautiful creatures as birds, There are also bad and funny pictures. But sometimes just random and imperfect shots are the best! Take a look at these funny and strange photos with birds that are sure to cheer you up.

Interference on the right

When you want to make new friends

It seemed..

freaked out

In the cycle of recent events

Goose who is against the paparazzi

call the exorcist

And majestic birds have bad pictures

Well hello

When you wanted to take a cute photo of a child on the beach

When the angle decides

Ostrich and lace

The heron just decided to take a nap

They choose the best restaurants for lunch

When the wind ruined your hair

The boys have a meal

The white ibis is a majestic bird

Seagull just doesn't like to be photographed

Predators eat bread too

"Are you sure you fed the children today?"

elegant theft

good shot

Nothing special, just a swan dived

Waiting for the catch..

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