25 photos from the series "A very bad day" (26 photos)

Category: Fun
20 October 2022

Well, what can I say. These people are not to blame for anything, just like that circumstances have arisen! It is impossible to spread straw everywhere, because that the universe is very cunning and always strives to kick on the sly.

1. “Finally everyone is gone! I can mind my own business"

2. “I bought new plates, and on the back it says: “do not use for food, it can poison it””

3. "Vegan Gourmet Conference Dinner"

4. “The landlord refuses to come and turn off my water heater.”

82 degrees Celsius.

5. “I bought bread at a sale. Now I know why it was sold at a discount."

6. “12 months and about 20 swings of a powerful magnet, I still find roofing nails in my gravel driveway.”

7. “The cat climbed onto the freshly poured concrete”

8. “It’s a little past 7 am and these people right outside my house are sawing in the middle of the street.”

9. “The train has not moved for about 37 minutes and is not going to. My apartment is literally on the other side.”

10. “There are ladybugs in my closet. This is an enlarged image. They are everywhere, in the toilet, in the sink.”

11. “Today I dug up my potato garden. 10 bushes that looked great and lush all season

12. “My roommate attached an air mattress to the window to “protect from the hurricane”.”

13. "So that's what that sound was like while I was participating in an online meeting at work!"

14. “I ate corn for dinner and a mealworm came out of it.”

15. “The worker laid the cable right through the hoop, which was leaning against the wall of the house. I have no words"

16. “My son decided it was a great idea to remove the labels from all the cans.”

17. “My neighbor cut my internet cable”

18. “Kitchen cabinets suddenly decided to fall off the wall.”

19. “Parking in the same place for 2 years, and this is the first time”

20. "Someone's definitely having a bad day"

21. “I think my husband is very tired because this is dog food, not coffee beans.”

22. “The delivery man saw fit to tape my package to the mailboxes.”

23. “I tried very hard, but something went wrong.”

24. “I got up this morning and went to work. At 2:00 pm I had a meeting and then I noticed that with my shoessomething is wrong"

25. "All day down the drain!"

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