The doctor took out 23 contact lenses from the eye of a forgetful patient (4 photos + 1 video)

Category: Health, PEGI 16
17 October 2022

An ophthalmologist from California shocked netizens posting a video of her taking out 23 old contact lenses from eyes of an elderly patient. She forgot to remove lenses before going to bed, and in the morning just put on new ones.

Video captioned "Do not sleep in contact lenses!" shows how Kurteeva gently removes dozens of old contact lenses from under the eyelid elderly woman with a cotton swab. Almost all lenses turned green for being in the eye for so long.

“I carefully separated all the contact lenses and counted the total difficulty 23. I had to use a very thin surgical tool, jewelry tweezers to separate them, wrote the ophthalmologist on your Instagram*. - They, in fact, stuck together due to the fact that they lay under the eyelid for a month.

Most users in the comments are perplexed as to how live with so many contact lenses in your eye and not feel like something is wrong while others wonder how they all ended up there. Kurteeva explained that her patient forgot all the time about contact lenses when I went to bed and put in new ones in the morning.

“That rare case when a person “forgot” to remove contact lenses at night and continued to put on new ones every morning. 23 days in a row!!!”, — wrote Kurteeva.

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