Rare mosaic depicting scenes of the Trojan War found in Syria (12 photos)

17 October 2022

In the north of Syria during archaeological excavations discovered ancient mosaic depicting the Trojan War. According to experts, the mosaic is 1600 years old and very well preserved. There is no one like her in the world.

Stunning piece of art from the Roman era represents images of ancient Greek warriors and Amazons, fought in the legendary battle under the walls of Troy. Here you can see soldiers with swords and shields, their names, as well as fierce Amazons who fought on the side of the Trojans.

The area of ​​the entire mosaic that once probably adorned the floor baths, is 120 square meters. So far cleared only a small part of it.

The mosaic depicts ancient Greek leaders and their names. The war was fought between the ancient Greeks and the inhabitants of Troy in the 12th or 13th century BC. ad.

Dr. Humam Saad, deputy director of excavations, said that this A find is a discovery that is rare on a global scale. And added that among the scenes mosaics have an image of the Amazons who fought on the side of the inhabitants Troy.

The Amazons were a race of female warriors in Greek mythology. two the most famous queens of the Amazons were Penthesilea, who took participation in the Trojan War, and her sister Hippolyta, the owner a magical belt given to her by Ares, the god of war.

In ancient Greek and Roman mythology, the demigod hero Hercules killed Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, in one of her 12 labors.

According to the ancient Greek epic, the Trojan battle lasted ten long years.

The split between the ancient Greeks and the inhabitants of Troy began around 12 century BC, when the Trojan prince Paris kidnapped Helen, his wife king of Sparta Menelaus. When Menelaus demanded her return, the Trojans refused, and in turn Menelaus persuaded his brother Agamemnon lead an army against Troy.

For nine years, the Greeks ravaged the cities surrounding Troy and the countryside. countryside, but the city itself, well fortified and ruled by Hector and other sons of the royal court, withstood. Finally, the Greeks built a large hollow wooden horse in which a small group took refuge warriors.

Historians have long debated whether such a battle really had place. Enough evidence has been found to support it. true - although the giant wooden horse was never found.

The mosaic is the most important archaeological discovery in Syria since military conflict began 11 years ago.

Earlier in 2017, armed groups in Syria tried to sell mosaic fragments. Now the excavation site is guarded around the clock from thieves and vandals.

Lebanese and Syrian businessmen at the initiative of the Naboo Museum in Lebanon bought property dating from the 4th century and donated it to the Syrian the state. This made the excavations possible.

The team of archaeologists plans to continue working on the mosaic in the hope reveal it in its entirety, which may give more clues about the building, inside which she once was.

Representatives of the Naboo Museum hope that excavations in the ancient Er-Rastan will continue. According to them, the city is full of heritage monuments and artifacts. There has never been a serious archaeological excavations, so one can only guess how many treasures lurk under earth.

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