An interesting fate of Tony Curtis: the stars of "Only girls in jazz" (8 photos)

17 October 2022

In Hollywood, he was a movie star and youth idol of the 50s and 60s. years. It was Tony who began to wear a hairstyle with twisted bangs, which then adopted by Elvis Presley, who adored this actor.

In the early 50s, to the address of the film studio "Universal" every day hundreds of letters came in from crazed Tony fans who asked send them a curl from his head, or some element of his clothing. Some employees even thought about making a business out of this, but the presence several thousand people at once have hair or Curtis T-shirts, would cause suspicion and deceit would quickly be revealed.

Tony worked on the same site with such lions as Kirk Douglas, Frank Sinatra, Yul Brynner and dozens of Hollywood's most popular actors that time. Film star Janet Leigh almost openly ran after him, and Marilyn Monroe admitted that she really likes working with Tony on one filming location.

And Janet Leigh finally got her way! In 1951, the 24-year-old Janet married 26-year-old Tony. This was Janet's third marriage, but Curtis has the first. In marriage, two daughters were born, who successfully continued the work of their parents and also became popular movie actresses.

But in 1962 they divorced, and loudly and with scandal. Thereafter Curtis married five more times, and the last time he got married at 73, on a girl 43 years younger than him, with whom he lived 12 years, until his death.

In all biographies, the description of the life of the actor begins in 1949, from the year his film debut. He appeared in Hollywood in 1948 when he was 23 years old. Prior to that, he served in the army, fought with the Japanese, even wounded received.

Journalists were quite surprised when it turned out that before the army his name was Bernard Schwartz, and he took the pseudonym Tony Curtis immediately after dismissal from the army. The actor was from a Jewish family, which moved to the US from Hungary shortly before his birth. The boy grew up a bully, studied through a stump-deck, and soon left school altogether. AT 12 years, he was first detained by the police when he, along with the same juvenile delinquents robbed a store. Saved him from prison age. At the age of 15, Tony, along with a gang of teenagers, intimidated their peers in the area, taking away their things and money. They also traded breaking into small shops. This time he can't hide from prison succeeded and spent two years in a juvenile prison.

Tony was in the shore service of the US naval base on the island Guam. He was wounded during a Japanese raid and was transferred to the military base on the coast of California. Upon completion of the contract in 1947, Tony decided not to return home, but got a job as a dancer in one of the local restaurants. When necessary, he could also work as a bouncer. There he is noticed by the film studio workers who invited him to star in the episode movie, just in the role of a dancer.

And just a few years after his debut, he played his star roles in "Vikings", "Spartacus", "Houdini", "Only girls in jazz". Its in different time was nominated for Oscar, BAFTA, Golden Globe.

Tony also entered the history of show business by the fact that it was his female fans were among the first in the early 50s to create the first fan clubs, as well as an industry selling a variety of accessories with the image of the actor: postcards, t-shirts, posters, badges and other.

Tony Curtis lived a really interesting life. He became bright an example of how it is possible without education, without a lot of money and only for through his talent and work to climb to the very pinnacle of success and get fame and fortune.

Tony died of cardiac arrest at his home in Henderson (a suburb of Las Vegas) in 2010. He was 85 years old.

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