Attached to the inspection board are samples of cardamom from each lot offered for sale. Each lot has an initial price and size - usually from 200 kg. The auction begins with traders hiding behind their terminals. The auctioneer calls out the lot number, and an assistant quickly walks past each dealer, dropping a handful of cardamom from each lot into their sample bowls for testing. they feel heavy for their size, indicating high seed content and thus higher prices.
Then trading takes place in deathly silence). as the price rises incredibly fast in Rs 2 increments. Bids are made through an automated system and tens of thousands of dollars worth of decisions can be made within seconds and each lot sold. These pod samples are collected at the end and sold as a mixed batch at a discount!
In general, it is difficult to understand where things are happening: in an office or a computer club. Either way, there's some crazy stuff going on. People sit with bowls and wait for the seeds to be planted (probably?). It all looks like feeding chickens on a farm. Apparently, the video was filmed in India or neighboring countries.