A moment of humor, memes. Part 4

Category: Other video, PEGI 16
3 October 2022

This is how you should help your army. Manual from Putin

Putin abandons the “defense” of the Luhansk region and seeks to keep the Kherson region with Zaporozhye - ISW. Probably, after the defeat at Liman, Moscow, first of all, will strive to retain the captured Kherson and Zaporozhye regions.

That’s it, the topic of nuclear weapons and nuclear war can be closed. It just won't get any better

The Armed Forces of Ukraine came to an appointment with Penis Dushilin in Liman, but he was not at his workplace

Are you still impressed by yesterday's Sabbath in the Kremlin?

So, we didn’t show you everything. We missed our neighbor Medvedev. Now that's it for sure

Each of us has encountered such good Russians

When I drove into the wrong forest on a motorcycle

When I regretted that I only studied English at school

Dip the pen into the holder as if it were a pen and ink

Russia wants to send military school cadets to war in Ukraine

Liberated by the Russian world, they steal cars from the liberators

And they, in turn, apply via the Internet with a request to return at least the stretcher. The second army of unfinished...

Step-by-step instructions on how to hook a sniper

1 comment
4 October 2022
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