Toys of our Soviet childhood (54 photos)

26 June 2009

To refute the numerous myth-makers, and also to remind us of those nostalgic and happy times of our Soviet childhood, I have collected this small selection of children's toys of the USSR.

This is a children's toy sewing machine. I had one like this as a child. It performs all the same operations as a Singer machine and can be used for full-fledged sewing. It was a wonderful machine!

Another sewing machine with a toy iron

Soft toy. what wonderful toys they were! My favorites were a bear cub almost as tall as me and a dog that looked a little like this one. One day, when I was very naughty, all the toys left for the purpose of punishing me, including the little bear cub, and only the dog remained with me. I didn’t forgive the bear cub for his betrayal and didn’t play with him so often anymore.

Applications of the USSR. How many such cardboard, paper and other appliques were there in sets, in magazines, in special books “for girls” or “for boys”!

Doll with a permanent magnet: "My name is __________________________ In my wardrobe there are 11 painted and 11 unpainted dresses and suits. Armed with scissors, cut out the outline of any dress. After cutting, take a metal “patch” and glue it with any paper glue on the back of the dress in the place indicated by the circle. Now all I have to do is lean the dress against my chest, and with the help of a permanent magnet and a metal “patch” it will be securely held on me. It's convenient to play with me if I'm standing on my feet. Place my feet in the grooves of the stand and I will stand. Paint unpainted dresses and suits yourself and find a place for a “piglet”.


Soviet children's construction set. It was possible to create different types of airplanes, helicopters, and amphibians from it

Another designer. A neighbor boy had three sets of this construction set and we spent hours assembling and tearing apart various cars, airplanes, motorcycles, tractors and excavators we created.

How many such sabers, checkers, swords there were! I had a wonderful sword, with which I portrayed Alexander Nevsky in yard games.

Toy pistol

And here are shown several types of children's dolls or baby dolls:

Mid 60's doll

Late 60's doll


A mandatory attribute of any decent toy store were toys in the national costumes of the peoples of the USSR. For some reason, Ukrainian dolls were required to bear the name “Oksana”. I had such a doll almost a meter tall. she once saved my appearance, if not my life. When I was six years old, my parents and I took a taxi from Kyiv to Krpaty in winter. And so, in order to avoid a head-on collision with an oncoming car, the driver of our taxi turned into a ditch. I was sitting on my mother’s lap and my face fell onto the metal handle located on the driver’s back... Right on my face. But Oksana was in my arms, I buried my face in her fabric back, which played the role of a shock absorber, but I smashed my ceramic face into pieces. But I didn't betray her. Since I was very grateful that she saved me, I regularly covered the damaged areas with a putty made of glue and powder.

Toy iron

Plastic toys from various (medical, kitchen, bathing, sand) sets for girls

Lever scales

Filmoscope with filmstrips

Magic picture: You insert the filmstrip into the projector, turn the knob, and cards appear on the wall

the Incas!

Educational puzzles

Pyramids and tops

A wonderful controllable toy!

Who doesn’t remember how nice it was to ride on such a machine?

The dream of any boy is tin and plastic toy soldiers:

Game "Electronics": "Well, Wait a minute!", "Hockey", "Funny Football Players" and a number of other similar games. The most popular was the first variation - “Well, wait a minute!” (similar to Nintendo EG-26 Egg):

Game "Well, wait a minute!":

Board game "Driving": A car rides in a spinning circle, held on to it by a magnet. The player's task is to control the car so that it does not veer off the road or crash into an obstacle. The game has 3 speeds and an ignition key to start the car.

Toy horse. As a child, I had this outfit with a hefty car with pedals, which I drove around the asphalt near my house when I was 3-5 years old. The same cars could be rented in the children's town, which was located in the Mariinsky Park.

Well, and finally, a few patches for clothing:

26 June 2009
нота беня
27 June 2009
у меня была такая лошадка с педальками crying2 feel_good
27 June 2009
2 012 comments
у меня в детстве 7 предметов из подборки было wink
27 June 2009
я вроде так сильно не отношусь к советскому детству (1989г.р.) , но предметов 7 тож было у меня в децтве...
27 June 2009
wink ностальгия...
28 June 2009
1 comment
Есть что вспомнить! smile
29 June 2009
5 569 comments
вспомнил детство, пасиб wink
29 June 2009
30 June 2009
у меня 4 предмета были, а вот буквально не давно нашел в пули для пистолета(точнее маленькие диски)
30 June 2009
По поводу конструктора. Всем замечательны были конструкторы, но частенько на гайках была резьба сделанная только первым метчиком. Накрутить такую гайку можно было только плоскогубцами. Еще частенько не совпадали отверстия, но не беда, зато все конструкции были из мягкого металла и соответствие отвествий становилось лишь вопросом силы детских рук. Всем хорош конструктор но потраченных нервных клеток немного жаль big_smile1
1 August 2009
Хочу в детство!!! crying2 crying2 crying2 crying2
14 December 2010
Спасибо за ностальгию, у меня кукла хранится еще начала 50х годов, эта кукла моей мамы. И своя кукла - называлась непослушная Аленка, даешь ей молоко пьет, а кашу головой мотает. Эх что были за времена.
12 February 2013
6 025 comments
все было
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