A selection of videos of rocket attacks, shelling in Ukraine. Issue 67

21 November 2022

Constant shelling and missile attacks that occur in Ukraine. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Residential buildings were damaged as a result of an explosion in the Dnieper

4 victims, including a minor girl, were hospitalized, the Office of the President reports.

Temporarily occupied Donetsk. Some kind of lady

Moscow is burning, the area of three stations

The sky is literally on fire

This is the picture our defenders have to observe in Bakhmut

Russian terrorists attack Chernigov. Date unknown

Morning shelling of Zaporizhzhya Thermal Power Plant

Energoatom claims that about 12 hits to the infrastructure were recorded, disabling the 5th and 6th power units and preventing further energy production.

Epic bavovna in Russia in the city of Murino

In the Leningrad region it burned so loudly that the column of fire could be seen for several kilometers.

According to preliminary data, a gas pipeline exploded.

Russian media clarifies that the gesture of goodwill was made by a gas filling station.

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