A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Release 90

19 October 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Floor-length slippers Shilka

Trophy mt-lb

Trophy Tiger of the Russian Armed Forces in the Kherson region

Ukrainian forces use UR-77 Meteorite to clear mines before an attack, Kherson region

Destruction of occupiers' infantry fighting vehicles

Destroyed Typhoon

Destroyed enemy equipment

Destroyed the orc's house

Destroyed mt-lb

T-72 destroyed

Khimars destroyed the howitzer of General Surikin. South direction

Good hit

Something is wrong with your anti-drone gun, gentlemen.

Puten's assault infantry conducted reconnaissance in force

RB Orsha, we take you here and there

The Republic of Belarus rolls out equipment

The Russian UR-77 mine clearance system was destroyed by the 79th Air Assault Brigade using ammunition

Those who fled left behind a large supply of ammunition, but the Ukrainians will be happy to return them, but in a slightly different way

Downed Russian drone with 6 wogs

Slightly tired tank

We love videos like this, keep it up

Lighted up the column of occupiers

Light up the orcs

The truck was checked for prohibited substances

Checked the intersection

Checked the dugout for hazardous materials

Probed with a mortar

We probed the area where the trunks stuck out

Probed the position of the orcs

Checked the tank for detonation

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