A selection of videos of damaged Russian equipment in Ukraine. Issue 87

17 October 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

The 63rd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will iron the positions of the occupiers

8 dead orcs

And how they boasted about their T-90 tank. Watch until the end

Air reconnaissance aircraft with Aist-100 discovered and destroyed Russian equipment of the invaders in the direction of Kherson

Bakhmut, furnishings

Fights from Kraken

During the operation to liberate Kupyansk-Vuzlov, one of the assault groups of the KRAKEN special forces met an enemy platoon on its way. After close contact, the enemy group was defeated and suffered losses, leaving behind many trophies.

The Wagnerites heading towards the front line were taken by surprise by artillery

Platoon of peonies at work

In the Zaporozhye region, the occupiers defeated a wooden model of the Buk air defense system

Analysts at Oryx wrote why it was a decoy for the Russians. There is no redistribution of joy...

First-person video of a Ukrainian soldier fighting somewhere near Donetsk

The Second World Army is bringing 57-mm AZP-57 anti-aircraft guns, developed back in the mid-1940s, to the front

Davydov Brod, setting

Kostroma paratroopers were left without a flag and a pair of BMD

Volunteer battalion Bratstvo

The Belarusians also distinguished themselves in the battles for the liberation of the village of Lukyanovka in the Kyiv region, where they managed to defeat the enemy, who had twice as many soldiers. At that time, a video appeared online about a Belarusian soldier with a hussar mustache. As it turned out, it was football fan and jiu-jitsu player Igor Noman. He was wounded during protests in August 2020 and left for Ukraine after intelligence services became interested in him. With the outbreak of war, Ihra led the Belarusian unit of the Ukrainian volunteer battalion “Bratvo”, founded by Dmitry Karchinsky.

Drone fires Mi8

Kobzon finally called

Beautiful work of artillerymen on the positions of the occupiers

Beautiful trophies

Mi-24 on a combat mission

The Russian Ministry of Defense thinks that their soldiers are immortal, which means they don’t need normal armor.

In the Kherson sector, despite the slowdown, the offensive continues

The occupiers are digging in near Novaya Kakhovka, the Ukrainians are slowly pushing them back from a position closer to the front

Nanotechnology in a racist tank somewhere near Liman

Our soldiers are flying at full speed next to the positions of the occupiers

One bullet hit the driver. Everything ended well, everyone is alive.

The occupiers were able to fully enjoy the work of the Ukrainian HIMARS. But there is a nuance

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