A selection of videos of damaged Russian equipment in Ukraine. Issue 81

10 October 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Donetsk region, lit a cigarette for the guys

ZSU entered Makeevka, Lugansk region

Ka-52 lit

What does a burnt out convertible look like?

How the stars are rising in Ukraine now

A caravan of murderers goes to the gravesite

The amount of rubbish that the orcs brought to our lands

Nice strike. Neutralization of the occupying infantry

Liman photo zone

“Bavovna” visited the Karan railway station near Mariupol and liquidated an ammunition depot

Nearby villages listen to festive fireworks

Never forget the cost of promoting the Armed Forces of Ukraine in different directions

This is what it looks like when paramedics from the Hospitallers medical battalion provided pre-medical care to a Ukrainian Armed Forces fighter after a Russian airstrike in one of the hot spots.

Processed behu orcs

Another burnt-out Orc vehicle

We hit the tower straight

Smoked armored personnel carrier

Lighted BMP3

We lit a Wagner near Bakhmut

We lit up the crew of the MSTA-B howitzer along with the ammo from something super accurate

We lit a Russian cigarette

Specialists from KORD are working

The guys continue to clear our lands of the racist evil spirits, take prisoners and maintain a good mood. Victory lies ahead.

MLRS BM-27 Hurricane

T62m project Brazier


Captured and destroyed equipment of the 3rd Army Corps

This is the horror story with which they tried to intimidate the Ukrainian Armed Forces, like super reinforcements with the latest weapons

Destruction of BMP-2M orcs during the battles for Petropavlovka, Kharkov region

Destruction of multiple rocket launchers

Destruction of Russians in the South

Destroyed the Orcs MSTA-S howitzer with something highly accurate

Stormtroopers decided to ride on armor for sausage

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