A selection of videos of damaged Russian equipment in Ukraine. Issue 61

18 September 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

They say the orcs are filming some kind of video for propaganda on Russian TV channels in Kherson

Rusnya is burning

Paratroopers show another captured Russian 152 caliber ammunition depot

Even more ammo and shells

Another execution site in Izyum

The task is not for the faint of heart

Just count the number of used tubes from powder charges for American M777 howitzers in one of the directions.

The prisoners are still going to Ukraine

A column of paddy wagons was spotted in the Tambov region. “According to preliminary data, 400 people were taken from the colonies and sent to the southern regions of Russia to “study” - Sergei Bratchuk

Captured field warehouse of the occupiers and other trophies

Soon Russian weapons will play a cruel joke on them

And he hit the target and caught his own

Chinese BCs at the Orcs' front

Command vehicle R-149MA1 destroyed

A specific ammunition depot, the Russians will again cry to be given back

A piece of the attack on Kherson from a GoPro camera

The National Guard clears the positions of orcs in the Donetsk region

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