A neighbor complained about a python that settled in a St. Petersburg communal apartment

30 April 2021

A huge python brightens up the leisure time of a resident of a communal apartment in one of the houses in St. Petersburg. His breeder, Andrei Sinkevich, considers the snake to be peace-loving, and therefore not dangerous to others, and is ready to prove this in court, since the prosecutor’s office is already finishing checking the facts specified in the neighbor’s complaint, and will most likely let the case proceed.

The man has kept the python since 2009. At the time they met, he was the size of a shoelace. Now the length of the reptile is more than 4 meters. The python calmly crawls around the room under the feet of its owner and, in general, does not cause any special problems.

According to Sinkevich, all the neighbors are tolerant of the snake, with the exception of one grumpy neighbor who constantly pesters the apartment residents with petty claims and complaints. Residents sued her several times. And now she has written a statement against the owner of the snake.

According to the source, the man insists that the snake does not treat people as a threat because he spends a lot of time with it. Andrey also explained that the python is constantly in his room and does not visit common areas.

Two months earlier, in the Leningrad region, Rosprirodnadzor employees evacuated a three-meter python from an empty apartment, which the owner had left there after moving out.

It was previously written how a python hid in the toilet and then bit a teenager who sat down on the toilet seat to relieve himself.

In another case, the snake did not hide in the toilet, hunting for bells, but went straight to the living room, where it successfully devoured a domestic cat.

And also about the fact that in the habitat of pythons, reptiles can be found in the most unexpected and inappropriate places, for example, under the hood of a car left in a parking lot.

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