Pictures taken at the right moment (18 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
10 April 2020

His Majesty "Chance" and Lady "Luck" definitely sympathized with the authors of these photographs. It would seem that these are quite ordinary photographs, but since the moment was chosen with surgical precision, the photographs can be called masterpieces. Let's look at the shots of successful photographers.

It's not fair to play with such a giantess!

One second before the "gurgle"

Dolphins know how to decorate a photo

I knew it existed! (talking about the main character of the cartoon "Cars")

I couldn't think of a better moment

Curly is tired

It seems I interrupted them from a serious conversation

There is always a friend who will burst into the frame

Scene from Mortal Kombat

Pisces know dirty tricks too

It was a lucky coincidence

Sudden loss of balance

Scream after 5...4...3...2...1... "Me-ya-ya-ya-ya!!!"

The cat who hates selfies

Animal Planet right next to home

The thief caught in the frame

That moment when the lizard jumped on the photographer's hair

Almost got it

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