How to build a dugout with your own hands (1 photo)

8 October 2018

A dugout is a type of building that is partially underground and disguised to match the overall color scheme of a forest or field. Such houses are no longer built, but the article is not about luxury, but about necessity.

A dugout is built only if you are very far from people and you do not have the opportunity to quickly return. The chance of this happening is very small, but it's good to know just in case. Construction can take place in two versions - when there are tools and when they are not. As they say, it’s better to hope for the best, so let’s look at construction using the example of a team of green tourism lovers from St. Petersburg.

Construction should begin from the pit. As the name of the structure itself suggests, it is underground, but not completely. The hole should be about one and a half meters deep (but this depends on your height). Determine the dimensions of the dugout for reasons of comfort and practicality. Approximate dimensions 43 meters. But first we recommend making it a little larger, because the walls of the house will consist of logs. Unlike a log house, you can use thinner logs, because the house is in the ground, thanks to which it will be quite warm even in winter. Decide in advance where the oven will be located. It will help you at any time of the year, because it will not only heat the house, but will also help you prepare food. There are two types of flooring: earthen and wooden. The first type - the earth is simply trampled down, and the second - the best option would be to saw the logs in half, lay them down and put boards on top. This will be one of the most convenient flooring options, if you can afford boards, of course. In the next article we will talk about the continuation of the construction of the dugout.

Continuing the discussion about this type of structure, it is worth noting that it is better to place the stove in one of the corners. In the same place it is worth leaving a place that is not covered by logs. A chimney must be installed in the same place. It can be made from an iron pipe or laid out from brick. In addition, there are a huge number of other materials and ways to remove smoke from the stove.

Making a roof in such a house is quite simple. The only difficulty is that it must have an obtuse angle - approximately 150 degrees. Arrange the beams in a grid so that the roof can be conveniently placed on them. Boards or iron sheets can be used as roofing material. You can also use sheaves of hay or reeds, as in cases of building a house with a thatched roof. Any type of roof must be laid very tightly. The basic principle of building a dugout is to subsequently lay a layer of clay and earth on the roof. Clay can be replaced with ordinary soil. You can also lay a layer of turf on top to organize even faster camouflage of your home. Since the entrance to the house is partly underground, steps should lead to it. To prevent them from being washed away by the first rain, it is better to make them from boards or cover them with pebbles. Windows are sometimes made in dugouts, but for this, you need to have glass. Typically, a window is made either at the door or in the back wall of the house. Most often, the back wall is not covered with earth, since the house is gable. Sometimes the dugout is completely closed in order to completely camouflage the house against the background of the entire area, leaving only the door.

Such a house is very warm in winter and cool in summer, and all thanks to the fact that it is partly underground. In addition, it is very convenient and invisible against the backdrop of a forest or field. If you decide to simply test your strength and build such a house, then he advises you not to cut down living trees, otherwise the criminal code may hit you with a baton on the ridge.

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