A woman adopted puppies from a shelter, which turned out to be not shepherd dogs at all, as she was told (3 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
3 September 2018

About a month ago, a box containing five puppies of an unknown breed was thrown into one of the shelters called “Faun Kutina”. They were in a deplorable condition, and the shelter workers managed to save only three. All the puppies were taken to her home by a woman named Marina, because she was assured that they were Belgian Shepherd puppies.

But after some time, when she began publishing photographs of her new pets online, users advised her to contact a veterinarian to determine the breed. As it turned out, these were not shepherd puppies at all, but three jackal puppies. Despite expert advice to give the jackals to the zoo, Marina became so attached to them that she decided to keep them. Thus, she became the first woman in Croatia to decide to domesticate wild jackals.

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