How an ordinary cat began to earn real money (7 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
20 February 2018

An ordinary cat from a shelter has become a full-fledged employee of the company, independently earning real money.

This cat was an ordinary shelter cat when he was taken into the office of a marketing company in Oklahoma when he was six months old. Her owner Stuart McDaniel noticed that there were mice in the building and thought that the best solution to get rid of them would be to get a cat. So this furry employee appeared in the office. He wandered around the office all day, sometimes walking on employees' desks and even accidentally sending half-finished emails by stepping on the keyboard.

After a while, the owner noticed that the mice had disappeared, but money - real dollars - seemed to appear out of nowhere in front of the office doors. These were dollar bills that workers saw almost daily. The office building is located in a busy part of the city - there are a lot of pedestrians. But why does someone leave this money and how does it all happen?

The office employees began to closely monitor the situation and discovered an interesting feature. The cat sat by the glass doors of the office all day long and waited for passers-by to stop near the doors and push a banknote through the doors for him to catch on the fly. The cat puts on entire shows, amusing passers-by, among whom there are more and more grateful spectators who constantly give him money to perform a new somersault.

The employees themselves, as an experiment, several times handed bills to the furry earner; he picked them up, as if he had been doing this all his life. And the cat was nicknamed cashnip (a play on words in English: cash - cash, catnip - catnip).

There are quite a few homeless people in the city center who like to stop in front of glass office doors, watch the cat play and talk to him through the glass. Therefore, it was decided to donate all the money that the cat “earns” to the Homeless Assistance Center. The cat has already been able to earn and send more than $100 to the Center!

An inscription soon appeared near the door, warning passers-by that behind the door was a cat with the big heart of a philanthropist who was able to snatch money from his hands and donate it to the Homeless Center. To verify this, just insert the bill into the slot.

Previously, this cat was a useless meowing creature, but now he can help others.

The cat also has his own Facebook page, and real letters are sent to his name. Some of them also have money invested in them that goes to charity.

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