Childhood dream - toys from the GDR (30 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
7 December 2017

Today, store shelves are filled with toys from all over the world for every taste and budget, but then many of them were a longed-for dream for us. No, the Soviet industry produced good toys, but those from the GDR were somehow special, unlike anything else and so desirable.

Electric submarine "Dolphin"

The boat was produced with a remote control, albeit with a fairly long wire, was powered by three 373 batteries and could dive to a depth of several meters.

Inertia tank

Electrified T-54 in 1/25 scale produced by the GDR

Toy soldiers and other plastic figures

Not a single children's "war" took place without these participants. Have a set of soldiers, pirates, Indians, cowboys, etc. every boy in the USSR dreamed of. And “toy soldiers” from the GDR are a cherished dream.

Mechanical toy - Tow truck with trailer "Taurus".GDR

Electromechanical toy - Tractor with blade. GDR

Crawler tractor manufactured by MS Brandenburg. The four-cylinder diesel was made of transparent plastic - the engine cycles and moving pistons could be observed.

A forklift from the same company is made of painted sheet metal, with a gearbox, a device for operating a lift, steering and additional containers. Every boy's dream!

Pull-back cars and a set of toys of the Filius and Porsche series

Retro cars were also loved and desired

Iconic railway

The road included a set of models of real locomotives, carriages, rails, switches, railway crossings, semaphores, stations, houses, bridges, a rug with a mapped terrain, a tunnel and an electric control panel with which barriers and semaphores were opened and closed.

And of course he doesn’t forget about girls - whole series of dolls and baby dolls were produced for them

Children's dishes are an exact copy of the usual ones, but in miniature

Children's kitchen, GDR

And of course a lot of soft toys

What toys did you have?

7 December 2017
У меня была подводная лодка и железная дорога)))
Доктор Влипердиус
Доктор Влипердиус
4 June 2018
К восьмидесятым годам все эти игрушки были так или иначе скопированы советской промышленностью, включая железную дорогу. У самого была машинка, похожая на "Filius" с надписью "Иссык-Куль".
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