Love for all ages. A woman with 11 children has found a groom who is old enough to be her son.

Category: Children, PEGI 0+
19 September 2017

Tatyana Vafina seems to be destined to be famous. At first, the whole district knew that Tatyana and her ex-husband Famil were raising eight children. And then the family became famous throughout the country when, as a result of the ninth pregnancy, triplets were born to the couple.

Amazingly, the super-mom didn't look exhausted at all. On the contrary, it is difficult to believe that this beautiful young woman was not afraid to take on so many worries. Local authorities and the media gladly invited the large family to special events and holidays. And the neighbors, having properly discussed the birth of triplets, calmed down. It seemed that Tatyana could no longer surprise them with anything.

But just imagine how shocked all the locals were when they found out that the mother of 11 children... filed for divorce. There was so much talk! “What is she doing with such and such a crowd?!” - the neighbors were gossiping. But Tatyana had already made her decision. Later, she told reporters that her husband began to drink and even let loose. Apparently, he believed that his wife would still forgive the father of her children.

But she didn't forgive. Even the judge, hearing the divorce case, was dumbfounded when she learned all the details. And then she filed for divorce on the same day, realizing that the mother of many children must have had very serious reasons for such an act.

Tatyana is a cook by profession, so she definitely won’t be left without work. But still, everyone was sure that the desperate mother would raise her children alone. But then the woman’s fate took an incredible turn.

About a year after the divorce, Tatyana got a new job in a local in-flight catering workshop and there she met a young colleague, Evgeniy. Young is putting it mildly. His wife is now only 23 years old, Tatyana is 15 years older than him. No one could have imagined that an office romance would develop between them. Tatyana agreed to go to the cinema and go on dates, but didn’t even think that it could go far. When things began to take a serious turn, she honestly admitted to her young boyfriend that there were 11 “mouths” waiting for her at home. The guy, of course, was shocked, but instead of hiding around the corner, he asked her out again.

After this, Zhenya became acquainted and became friends with all the children of his passion, and often began to play football with her sons, which the young man simply adores. My friends looked at it all in disbelief and shook their heads. It is simply unthinkable that a divorcee, and even with such a “trailer,” could successfully build her personal life.

Meanwhile, Zhenya became more and more accustomed to the role of father and husband and finally decided that he was ready to play this role for many, many years to come. When colleagues and acquaintances found out that the young man had proposed to his girlfriend, they simply could not recover from the shock and, of course, began to dissuade him. And Tatyana herself initially refused the offer several times. And then Zhenya told his children about his plans, who immediately reacted with delight and all together finally persuaded their mother to say “yes.” The couple got married in June.

This is such an incredible story. Zhenya, who had previously saved money for a trip to Spain, which he had always dreamed of, spent it on the wedding and the purchase of household appliances. Neighbors are recovering from shock. Journalists tell the story of an extraordinary family to the world.

And Evgeniy and Tatyana themselves are not shy about anyone. She is happy, which she happily talks about on camera:

All ages are submissive to love, no matter what you say. Without a doubt, when Tatiana and Evgeniy have their own children, the family will definitely become famous throughout the world.

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