15 dogs that were caught doing strange things (15 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
19 August 2017

No matter how cute the puppies are, no matter how the adults make plaintive “dog eyes,” they need to be scolded periodically. In this we fully agree with professional dog handlers - training does not end with a few mastered hands. Fortunately, the four-legged slobs strive to provide a reason to read them an angry lecture. This publication contains a collection of miscreants who were caught red-handed: you won’t be able to pretend “it’s not me”!

Do you need help or will you get out of it yourself?

In the morning it was a bean bag chair. Where?!!

Did you break the trash can so the lid got stuck?

Is the cat even alive or was it crushed under the tree?

So small, but he has done so much

No, look, he’s also grinning!

Don't turn your face up. Whose job?

It’s good that there was no pizza in the box anymore... How was that?!!

You'll be tossing around with your stomach later, you idiot

Not enough of your own wool, pillow ripper?

And what? Understand and forgive, give me a bone?

Do you even know what year this wine was?

Just don’t need fairy tales that you were too cold

This was the land for wives' violets. Now we're both done...

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