Oksana from Odessa gave birth to quintuplets (11 photos)

Category: Children, PEGI 0+
8 August 2017

Oksana, who lives in Odessa, already has one beautiful daughter, and at the age of 36, when she learned that another addition was expected to the family, she was more happy than ever.

She and her husband always wanted a second child and this was great news for both of them, but what happened later shocked not only them, but the whole world!

Stories about twins and, especially, triplets seemed like a fairy tale to Oksana and her husband; this had never happened in their family, and until recently they thought that such stories were not about them.

But while going to the hospital for a routine check-up, her doctor told her news that left her in shock.

“Everything was like everyone else: bare stomach, gel and sensor. But when the doctor started looking at the screen, her face changed greatly, and I was seriously scared,” Oksana recalls. “I remember how she began to count the number of fruits out loud and said that for this they should give me a house by the sea...

So, based on the results of the ultrasound, it turned out that Oksana is expecting quintuplets! Such a rare case when such a miracle occurs without artificial insemination! Statistics indicate that this phenomenon is random in 1 in 55 million! While Oksana was digesting this news, word quickly spread through the hospital about a unique patient; this had never happened in their practice, and, we think, it would never happen in their entire life!

“I couldn’t comprehend that this was happening to me. It seemed to me that I was in a surreal dream and was about to wake up,” Oksana recalls. The future parents were shocked to comprehend what was happening, trying to fit this event into their future plans. After all, this is such a gift of fate, refusing which would be an unforgivable mistake and it was not even discussed.

At 30 weeks labor began. Upon Oksana’s arrival at the maternity hospital, 8 doctors and nurses were already waiting for her. Oksana recalls that they had never treated her like this before and were afraid to touch her, they were very careful, as if they were treating her like a crystal vase!

Two wonderful girls and three boys were born by caesarean section. The doctors' fears were not justified: all the children were healthy, although at first they needed some additional care.

Daria, Alexandra, Denis, Vladislav and David became real stars overnight. No one else in the entire history of the country has created such a large company.

Almost six months later, the young parents have already gotten used to the addition, and when they go out into the street with five strollers at once, they bring smiles to everyone around them, isn’t this a miracle!

The Ukrainian government gave this large famous family a new apartment. Oksana’s Instagram and Facebook are full of photos of “pearls” and her eldest daughter.

Oh, we think that they can very well become professional models, do you think so too?

Happiness or trial? Or a test of happiness? Oksana and Sergey are immensely grateful to fate for such a generous gift and cope with everyday difficulties with honor. We wish this wonderful family health and happiness, great luck and patience!

8 August 2017
5 569 comments
вот это да) тут бывает от двоих голова кругом, а целых пять это конечно ого-го) зато в доме всегда весело будет) родителям терпения и удачи)))
8 August 2017
Муж к сожалению бросил ее..(
8 August 2017
2 107 comments
9 August 2017
Настя врёшь ведь стерва, ты им завидуешь
9 August 2017
Родители просто красавцы! Не только потому, что чудо совершили, а потому, что внешне молодые, красивые, счастливые!!!! Пусть у вас и у деток все получится!!!!
10 August 2017
Цитата: Настя
Муж к сожалению бросил ее..(

Завидуешь дура безплодная)
Аля Днестрян
Аля Днестрян
10 August 2017
муж её не бросил! не нужно завидовать тем,у кого есть дети,если сама бесплодна! я сама с Украины и знаю хорошо семью эту ! Всё у них хорошо и вчера видела как отец дочку старшую с дет.сада забирал! завидуй и дальше этой крепкой и красивой семье! А родителям и деткам я желаю счастья и здоровья!

Аська,эта серая мышь "Настя"под каждым репостом пишет нечто подобное.... не обращайте внимание,это всего лишь сплетни
Валентина Анатольевна
Валентина Анатольевна
10 August 2017
Очень рада за семью. Такое счастье. Даже прослезилась. Детки милые ангелочки.
10 August 2017
Невероятно. что только не бывает в природе. пусть растут здоровыми.
10 August 2017
У нас в Ангарске за тройню давали 3-х комнатную квартиру, за 4-х давали квартиру и микроавтобус
Людмила Добрыйвечер
Людмила Добрыйвечер
10 August 2017
[quote=Аля Днестрян]Настя,
муж её не бросил! не нужно завидовать тем,у кого есть . дети,если сама бесплодна! я сама с Украины и знаю хорошо семью эту ! Всё у них хорошо и вчера видела как отец дочку старшую с дет.сада забирал! завидуй и дальше этой крепкой и красивой семье! А родителям и деткам я желаю счастья и здоровья!

Аська,эта серая мышь "Настя"под каждым репостом пишет нечто подобное.... не обращайте внимание,это всего лишь сплетни они расстались! она сама об этом писала в своём микроблоге в инстаграмме, что с мужем они развелись!
11 August 2017
Счастья и здоровья им всем!!!!Дети-это радость!!!!
12 August 2017
здоровья малышам и маме!!!!терпения и сил маме и папе!
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